Product information

The Professional Word Processor

Writing, processing and designing of text will always be a standard task for computers. The same goes for the Amiga. Although there are more and more voice recognition systems in use, this will only obviate typing text with the keyboard. Doing layout, correcting and printing continue to need the features of an excellent word processor.

Platform independent standards
AmigaWriter will be the first word processor developed on the Amiga that uses concepts and technologies standard in text systems on other platforms. The flexible expandibility of a typical Amiga application is also used in AmigaWriter, and allows the extension of its external functionality. Commercial-, shareware- and freeware-developers will add new loaders and savers for different text and image formats and expand AmigaWriter with features superior to the standard applications on other platforms.

Ease of use
It will be incredibly easy with AmigaWriter to perform tasks like selecting a new font or defining the actual screen resolution. You wont have to struggle with badly designed requesters, no complicated mouse acrobatics are necessary to select paragraph formats. Cooperating with experienced users we designed a superb graphic user interface concept that our developers then implemented. Things like WYSIWYG note editing be they at the end of the actual page, chapter or document will be standard, of course.

Amiga look and feel
The interface makes full use of the Amiga's multitasking capabilities. So nearly every requester is non-modal (that means you can leave it open while working on the document, other requesters, or the preferences windows). This is especially noticable in the paragraph format dialog. You can set tabulators by typing their values into a requester, or by clicking on the horizontal ruler of the document while leaving the requester opened. It's not everyday you get to have it both ways at the same time! Fast loading and saving of documents are also features that distinguish the Amiga.

Full paragraph control
The paragraph requester will satisfy (almost) all your wishes. Special features are: Connected chapter and page format and a huge number of options for setting tabulators. You can create a paragraph format and set a chapter format for it, which greatly eases formatting of floating text. By applying the paragraph format you can not only change font settings and text alignment but also the look of the actual chapter. There is no easier automation than this one.

Page formats and chapter management
With AmigaWriter you can create more than one page format, a feature not seen on many word processors. A page format can even be linked to a paragraph. You can use this to set different layout and text formatting options for the chapters of a book. For example, you can set a page format in the paragraph format for beginning a chapter, and that can be different from the page format used for the list of contents.

Open for different image formats
Embedding and printing graphics are no longer unique features of desktop publishing programs! Using a flexible import interface, AmigaWriter can load graphics in the IFF and JPEG formats. But it can also use AmigaOS datatypes, enabling you to place pictures of the most exotic format in the text.

AmigaWriter is delivered on CD with a printed manual in a box and costs just 14,95 Euro. Order it at once from our OnlineShop.

Easy learning
You will learn to use AmigaWriter and its requesters very fast, because it is similar but not limited to standard word processors. You wont have to look up the documentation very often.

Support for Amiga's font handling. You can use all bitmap- and CompuGraphic-fonts as well as fonts of other font engines installed (for example: TrueType, Postscript, ...). Footnotes, end notes, marks.

Feature list:


  • Chapter end notes
  • Document end notes
  • List of contents

Format requester

  • paragraph format requester and catalog character format requester and catalog
  • page format requester and catalog (with master pages)
  • chapter format requester and catalog
  • paragraph format, font type and size accessible directly by a popup menu

Huge variety of paragraph settings

  • text alignment
  • indentation
  • next format after paragraph end
  • insert in list of contents
  • create new page
  • create new page with new chapter format (master page)
  • date and time formats per paragraph

Outstanding flexible tabulator settings

  • tabulator interval, for example from 3 to 15 inch all 0,5 inch a tab
  • decimal tabulator with definable alignment sign
  • definable tabulator filling character

Many font manipulation options

  • Width, italicization and uppercase writing
  • Super- and subscript settings
  • font attributes (upper and lower script, bold, italic, underlined, double underlined, strike-through, capitals)
  • electronic variation of size, width, italicization / inclination, uppercase writing
  • color selection for text and underlining
  • preview of text attributes and colors
  • paragraph and character formats keyboard accessible

Box- or frame options

  • invisible or gray show box contents
  • invisible print contents
  • lock position and size
  • set position and size using measurement in mm, cm, inch and pt
  • set distance between text and box
  • set boldness and color the frame line and its background color
  • set if text of underlying boxes should be floating around the box
  • set box to the background or foreground of other boxes

Chapter options

  • adjustable page format for double-sided and single-sided documents
  • page numbering adjustable per chapter

Page format options

  • set number of columns
  • set printing margins
  • set header and footer lines
  • set page numbering for header and footer lines

Text formats

  • AmigaWriter (default)
  • RTF
  • Text (ASCII)
  • expandable by plugins

Image formats

  • Amiga IFF
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • Datatypes


You need:


  • AmigaOS3.0 or higher


  • Amiga with at least a 25 MHz 68030 processor
  • 8 MB Ram
  • 10 MB hard disk memory


Amiga Magazine 9/98:
"Very Good".

Amiga Special 12/98:
"AmigaWriter is the first and only Amiga word processor with footnote management deserves this expression."

Amiga Plus 10/98:
"The first version of AmigaWriter is already a good word processor.", "85%"



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